Owner's Wishes:
My name is Maggie, the owner of Kelowna Okanagan Lake Hostel in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Before I opened this hostel I traveled to many places around the world and stayed in different types of accommodation. I know how hard it is to travel when you are on a budget. Therefore at my hostel I am proud to say that I offer a clean, friendly, welcoming, atmosphere (as Bed & Breakfast / hostel) with facilities to suit the traveller on a budget.
For many years I have dreamed of finding a way to help people. Opening this hostel has given me the chance to do this. My greatest wish is to be able to offer my guests 5 star comfort at hostel rates.
Since starting the hostel I have realised how much hard work and dedication it takes and how difficult it is to meet the over heads and expenses. This first year has been very difficult for me, but the guests I have met have given me a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction in knowing that they have appreciated my efforts to make their stay comfortable and enjoyable.
The kind and complementary comments that my guests have written on Google maps reviews are very much appreciated and they give me encouragement towards my goal.
Once the business gets out of the red, my goal is to donate 50% of the profit to charity and to use 50% of the profit to maintain a 5 star hostel.
Thanks again to all my past guests and welcome to all my future guests with whose support a 5 star hostel that generates charitable donations will become reality, which we can all work toward together.
~ ~ ~ Traditional Chinese ~ ~ ~
大家好,我是Maggie,Kelowna Okanagan Lake Hostel的經營者。在我經營這家家庭旅館之前,我曾經遊歷過世界很多地方,並待過不同類型的旅店。我了解以有限的資金去旅遊的困難。因此,我可以非常自豪地說我的旅館為缺乏資金的旅行者提供了一個乾淨、舒適、友好、歡迎、充滿溫暖氣氛和設施齊全的環境。
我很欣慰得到這種來自客人在Google Map發表的好評價,這種肯定也給我最大的鼓勵,讓我一直向目標進發。
~ ~ ~ Simplified Chinese ~ ~ ~
大家好,我是Maggie,Kelowna Okanagan Lake Hostel的经营者。在我经营这家家庭旅馆之前,我曾经游历过世界很多地方,并待过不同类型的旅店。我了解以有限的资金去旅游的困难。因此,我可以非常自豪地说我的旅馆为缺乏资金的旅行者提供了一个干净、舒适、友好、欢迎、充满温暖气氛和设施齐全的环境。
我很欣慰得到这种来自客人在Google Map发表的好评价,这种肯定也给我最大的鼓励,让我一直向目标进发。